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新加坡也没有例外。除非你敢说我们的国会议员的产生不合法,否则,由民选的国会议员推选总理, 哪有什么不妥?再说,我国以这种方式来完成政府首脑的职务交接,最大限度地确保了政局的稳定,国家的长治久安。
所谓“世袭制”的问题,不能简单地将父子先后出任国家领导人一概视为“世袭”,美国现任总统布什的父亲也当过总统,那算不算世袭?为什么美国的不算世袭,同样的事情别的国家做就算世袭?世 界上有哪个民主国家的法律规定父亲当了总理或总统,儿子就不能当?
李显龙接任总理,跟新加坡任人唯贤的政策是否有抵触,关键其实不在于他是李光耀的儿子,而在 于他是否贤明。
必须强调的是,人民的这种评论不论对还是错, 都反映了对国家领导人的殷切期望,没有任何恶意, 值得国家领导人重视。
吴作栋刚刚接班时,人们很自然要拿他与李光耀来做比较,他的表现即使不能强过李光耀,至少也要与李光耀一样好,或者说可以平分秋色。如果他的表现比上一 任总理差,那么人们就会问:为什么要换总理?
这回李显龙接班,人们自然要拿两位总理来跟他相比,他的压力有多大也就可想而知了。14年前吴作栋接班的时候,国外一些持怀疑态度的学者讥说“你们新加坡现在是“无总理”,“李执政”。几年 后,这种声音渐渐小了,最后是完全消失。
Pressure and challenges Lee Hsien Loong faces
Deputy Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong is taking over as Singapore's third prime minister on Aug 12.
While the handover of power has attracted interest from some quarters, for Singaporeans who have long expected it, it is in a way a non-event that should not give rise to undue excitement. Indeed, Singaporeans would be surprised if someone else were to take over the helm.
However, something that the people see as irreversible can still be a cause of controversy.
There is no doubt about Mr Lee's ability to govern Singapore. The question is: As the eldest son of the founder of Singapore and its first prime minister Lee Kuan Yew, would the leadership changeover give the impression of a "Lee dynasty"?
Undeniably, there has been such talk both in and outside Singapore. Some foreign academics who are said to be seasoned Singapore watchers have even questioned the "legitimacy" of Mr Lee Hsien Loong taking over from outgoing prime minister Mr Goh Chok Tong.
Chinese academic Professor Yan Xuetong, who has lectured in Singapore many times, is one of them. He has even described it as leadership succession through heredity, which is no different from the practice of a feudal dynasty.
Let there be no doubt about the legitimacy of leadership changeover in Singapore.
In countries all over the world which practise parliamentary democracy, the PM is usually elected by MPs of the majority party in parliament. Even if the new PM is nominated by the incumbent PM, he has to be endorsed by MPs of the majority party.
Singapore is no exception. Unless someone dares point the finger at our system and says that our MPs have not been elected legitimately, what's wrong with elected MPs choosing the PM?
Besides, to a large extent, our system of leadership handover has helped to ensure long-term peace and political stability for the country.
The so-called "hereditary system" should not simply refer to a person and his son who have both been the leader of the country.
US President George W. Bush's father, for instance, had also been a president - should this not be considered "hereditary" as well? Why is it that only in Singapore is it labelled as "hereditary"?
As far as I know, there is no law in any democratic country barring any person whose father has been the prime minister or president from holding the same office.
Is Mr Lee Hsien Loong's ascension in contradiction to our much-cherished principle of meritocracy?
This has nothing to do about his being the son of Mr Lee Kuan Yew. What we need to ask is whether he is competent enough to lead Singapore into the future.
How has Mr Lee Hsien Loong performed over the years? I believe Singaporeans will rate him according to their own criteria.
There is seldom any criticism that he is not up to the mark. What is more often heard is that he should be more approachable, something Mr Lee is now well aware of.
It has to be stressed that it does not matter if the perception of the people is right or wrong. There is no ill intention and it simply reflects the attributes that Singaporeans hope their leader will have.
To be fair, Mr Lee Hsien Loong faces greater pressure and challenges than when Mr Goh Chok Tong took over from Mr Lee Kuan Yew.
It was natural for Singaporeans to compare Mr Goh with Mr Lee Kuan Yew when he first took the helm 14 years ago. Mr Goh has to be as good if not better than Mr Lee or the people would ask: Why bother to have a new prime minister?
Now Mr Lee Hsien Loong will be compared to his two predecessors and there will be tremendous pressure.
And for some time, Mr Goh used to be called a "seat-warmer" by foreign sceptics who believed Mr Lee Kuan Yew is still in power. Such talk died down gradually after some years.
Mr Goh only had to step out of the shadow of Mr Lee Kuan Yew. Mr Lee Hsien Loong now has the tougher job of having to step out of the shadows of both Mr Goh and his father.
Let's wish him success.
·The writer is a retired journalist. Translated by Yap Gee Poh.